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September 17, 2007


Johnson Woods

I would like to introduce to you one of the first Mixed-race Personal Listings Service you may find on the Internet! It is created to balck relationships between Black Men and White Women. This will also serve as a forum for all BM and WW to meet, share, and grow together. As stated in simple terms, this group will serve to provide support, interact, online resource, and up coming events. http://www.interracialfriends.com/

Patrick Traughber

Might equality also increase competition, which would lead to more innovation and creativity? With more people in a similar situation (British colonies), each citizen had to compete with more people in their respective economic situation. This is compared to Latin America, where inequality was much higher. In that situation, those at the top of the economic ladder were competing with fewer people and had less to gain (they were already at the top). Any thoughts?

Thorstein Veblen

Brad-- You're web site is a gold mine! You've really done a service to scholarship and academia by posting all of this...

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