MW 4-5:30 VLSB 2040
Staff: Brad Delong, Marc Gersen, Adam Jack Gomolin, Vikram Maheshri
Administrivia pages | Web assignment index page | Comments-on-readings pages | Questions pages | Syllabus page | Lecture Notes Pages
Note: Additional books for Econ 113, to be available at the bookstore:
Note: Marty Olney recommends:
For those unfamiliar with U.S. history, John Faragher et al (2005), Out of Many (New York: Prentice-Hall): volume 1 volume 2
That seems like a good idea to me.
August 27: Waves of Settlement and Conquest:
Walton and Rockoff: preface, chapters 1-6.
Jared Diamond (2000), "Why Did Human History Unfold Differently On Different Continents For The Last 13,000 Years?" ; (2002), "How to Get Rich"
Timothy Yeager (1995), “Encomienda or Slavery? The Spanish Crown's Choice of Labor Organization in Sixteenth-Century Spanish America.” Journal of Economic History 55 (December 1995): 842-59
Charles Mann (2002), "1491," Atlantic Monthly Charles Mann writes in reply to comments
Assignment: Web assignment 1: Diamond, Mann, or Yeager. Due before noon on August 29.
Section Topic: Discussion: the Amerindians and the conquest.
Lecture Notes; Audio
August 29 and September 5: The Pre-Industrial United States: Farms and Factories:
Walton and Rockoff, chapters 7-12.
Peter Temin (1966), “Labor Scarcity and the Problem of American Industrial Efficiency in the 1850's,” Journal of Economic History, Vol. 26, No. 3. (Sep., 1966), pp. 277-298
John R. Nelson, Jr. (1979), "Alexander Hamilton and American Manufacturing: A Reexamination," Journal of American History, Vol. 65, No. 4. (Mar., 1979), pp. 971-995
Joan Underhill Hannon (1984), “Poverty in the Antebellum Northeast: The View from New York State's Poor Relief Rolls.” Journal of Economic History 44 (December 1984): 1007-32
Optional Reading: "Growth Accounting, Natural Resources, and Pre-Civil War America" (for those who have taken 100b and remember it)
Assignments: Web assignment 2: Temin or Nelson. Due before noon on September 3. Web assignment 3: Questions. due before noon on September 5.
Section: Tools: understanding regressions, using Hannon on poverty in the early U.S. as an example.
Lecture Notes: August 29; August 29 Audio File; Overheads for August 29. Lecture Notes: September 5; September 5 Audio File
September 10 and 12: Slavery and Civil War
Walton and Rockoff, chapters 13 and 14.
Alfred Conrad and John Meyer (1958), “The Economics of Slavery in the Ante Bellum South,” Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 66, No. 2. (Apr., 1958), pp. 95-130.
Richard B. Sheridan (1976), "Sweet Malefactor": The Social Costs of Slavery and Sugar in Jamaica and Cuba, 1807-54,” Economic History Review, New Series, Vol. 29, No. 2. (May, 1976), pp. 236-257
Claudia D. Goldin and Frank D. Lewis (1975), "The Economic Cost of the American Civil War: Estimates and Implications," Journal of Economic History, Vol. 35, No. 2. (Jun., 1975), pp. 299-326
Additional Reading (necessary background for problem set 2):
Assignments: Web assignment 4: Goldin and Lewis or Sheridan. Due before noon on September 12. Problem set 1: understanding regressions: due at lecture September 12:
Section Topic: Discussion: why did slavery survive and flourish into the 1850s?
Lecture Notes: September 10; September 10 Audio File. Lecture Notes: September 12; September 12 Audio File
September 17 and 19: The Industrialization of America:
Walton and Rockoff, chapters 15-17, 20.
Stanley Engerman and Kenneth Sokoloff (1994), "Factor Endowments: Institutions, and Differential Paths of Growth Among New World Economies"
Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward ISBN 155709506X (History 124a; English 150)
Marc Gersen, "Writing Handout"
Assignments: Web assignment 5: Engerman and Sokoloff. Due before noon on September 19.
Problem set 2: cotton is king! due at lecture September 24:
Section Topic: Tools: growth accounting: sources of growth before and after the Civil War.
Lecture Notes: September 17.
Lecture Notes: September 19. Large Audio File. Streaming Audio
September 24 and 26: Labor and Capital and Technology:
Walton and Rockoff, chapter 18.
Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz (1999). “Human Capital and Social Capital: The Rise of Secondary Schooling in America, 1910-1940.” Journal of Interdisciplinary History (optional).
J. Bradford DeLong, “Did J.P. Morgan’s Men Add Value?”
W. Devine (1983), “From Shafts to Wires: Historical Perspective on Electrification,” Journal of Economic History pp. 347-72
Assignments: Web assignment 6: Goldin and Katz or DeLong or Devine. Due before noon on September 24.
Section Topic: Review for first midterm exam
Lecture Notes: September 24. Large Audio File. Streaming Audio File.
Assignments: Paper 1: read and respond to Bellamy, Looking Backward, in 500 words.
October 3 and 8: The Great Depression and the New Deal:
Walton and Rockoff, chapters 21-23.
Eugene White (1990), “The Stock Market Boom and the Crash of 1929,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 4:2 (Spring), pp. 67-83 (optional)
Martha L. Olney (1999), “Avoiding Default: The Role of Credit in the Consumption Collapse of 1930.” Quarterly Journal of Economics CXIV (February 1999): 319-335
Christina Romer (1993) “The Nation in Depression.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 7 (Spring 1993): 19-39
Assignment: Web assignment 7: White or Romer or Olney. Due before noon on October 3.
Section Topic: Review and Tools: the midterm and macroeconomic tools for p.s. 3.
October 3 Audio; October 3 Handout
October 8 Notes and Audio
October 10 and 15: World War II and After: Social Democracy and the American Century
Walton and Rockoff, chapters 24-26.
J. Bradford DeLong and Barry Eichengreen (1993, “The Marshall Plan: History’s Most Successful Structural Adjustment Program” (optional)
Barry Eichengreen, Globalizing Capital, chapters 1-4 ISBN 0691002452
Assignment: Problem set 3: causes of Great Depression and of recovery. Due at lecture October 17:
Section Topic: Discussion: the Great Depression, World War II, and the rise of government
Lecture Notes: October 10 Audio
Lecture Notes: October 12
Lecture Notes: October 15
October 17, 22, and 24: The American Dream: The Great Compression and the Great Widening:
Claudia Goldin and Robert A. Margo (1992), “The Great Compression,” Quarterly Journal of Economics
Alberto Alesina, Edward Glaeser, and Bruce Sacerdote (2001), “Why Doesn’t the U.S. Have a European-Style Welfare System?”
Assignment: Paper 2: read and respond to Eichengreen, Globalizing Capital chapters 1-4 in 1000 words. Due at lecture on October 31.
Section Topic: Distribution; Globalizing Capital.
Lecture Notes: October 17
Lecture Notes: October 22 ppt movie Audio
Lecture Notes: October 24 ppt movie Audio
October 29: Focus on Women
Gavin Wright (1991), “Understanding the Gender Gap: A Review Article,” Journal of Economic Literature : 1153-63
Sue Bowden and Avner Offer (1994), “Household Appliances and the Use of Time” Economic History Review 47: 725-748
Claudia Goldin (2004) "The Long Road to the Fast Track" NBER WP 10331 (optional)
Assignment: Web assignment 8: Wright or Bowden and Offer. Due before noon on October 29.
Section Topic: Discussion: gender equity.
October 29 American Economic History lecture: Focus on Women: Discrimination and Opportunity
October 31 and November 5: Focus on African-Americans
J. Smith and Finis Welch (1989), "Black Economic Progress after Myrdal," JEL (June), pp. 519-40, 557-61
Werner Troesken, “Race, Disease, and the Provision of Water in American Cities, 1889-1921,” Journal of Economic History 61 (September 2001): 750-776
Section Topic: Review for Second Midterm
November 14: Governing the Macroeconomy
Walton and Rockoff, chapter 27.
J. Bradford DeLong (1996), “Keynesianism, Pennsylvania Avenue Style: Some Economic Consequences of the Employment Act of 1946,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1996, vol. 10, issue 3, pages 41-53 (optional)
J. Bradford DeLong, "America's Only Peacetime Inflation: The 1970s," published in Reducing Inflation: Motivation and Strategy, Christina Romer and David Romer, eds., (Chicago: University of Chicago Press) 1997 (optional)
J. Bradford DeLong and Barry Eichengreen, "From Meltdown to Moral Hazard" (optional)
Assignment: Web assignment 9: DeLong or DeLong and Eichengreen. Due before noon on November 14.
Section Topic: Discussion: dilemmas of modern macroeconomic management
Lecture Notes:
November 19: NO CLASS
November 26: The Crisis[?] of Social Democracy
Walton and Rockoff, chapters 28 and 29.
Dean Baker, The United States since 1980 ISBN 0521860172
Section Topic: Discussion: critiquing Dean Baker on the U.S. since 1980
Lecture Notes:
November 28: The Productivity Speed-Up of the Late 1990s
Paul David (1990), “The Dynamo and the Computer: An Historical Perspective on the Modern Productivity Paradox,” American Economic Review, pp. 355-60
J.B. DeLong (2000), “Cornucopia: The Pace of Economic Growth in the 20th Century” NBER Working Paper no. 7602 (March)
Assignment: Paper 3: read and respond to Baker, The United States since 1980
Section Topic: Discussion: the information age
December 3 and 5: The Present and the Future
Ronald Lee and Jonathan Skinner (1999), “Will Aging Baby Boomers Bust the Federal Budget?” Journal of Economic Perspectives 13 (Winter 1999): 117-140
David Cutler (2002), “Health Care and the Public Sector”
Nicholas Stern et al., "The Stern Review on Global Climate Change"
Assignment: Paper 3: read and respond to Baker, The United States since 1980. Due at lecture on December 5.
Section Topic: Tools: going through the Stern Report
December 10: FINAL REVIEW
December 18 8-11 AM: FINAL EXAM
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