Barry Eichengreen's Globalizing Capital presents the best short history of the international monetary system in existence. Consider either how the U.S. economy and its role in the international monetary system has affected the rest of the world, or how the international monetary system in the rest of the world has affected the United States. Discuss either of:
How the stability and growth of the rest of the world were affected by U.S. actions affecting the international monetary system, and what changes of policy when in America could have made things better (or worse) than they were in reality.
How U.S. economic growth has been aided or retarded by what is going in the rest of the world's international monetary system, and what changes of policy when in the rest of the world could have made things better (or worse) than they were in reality.
Comments on DeLong and Eichengreen
J. Bradford DeLong and Barry Eichengreen, "From Meltdown to Moral Hazard"
August 23, 2007 at 01:41 PM in Comments | Permalink | Comments (19)