During the pre-industrial early-modern period, 1400-1700, high Eurasian civilizations projected power across oceans in six ways...
- Prestige voyages
- Seaborne Trade-Piracy Empires
- Conquest and Occupation: encomienda/hacienda/mining
- Slave Raiding:
- Plantation Agriculture: use slaves to grow plantation crops: coffee, sugar, tobacco
- Small-Farmer Settlement:
- Religious motive
- Company profit motive (except for the Hudson's Bay Company, didn't work)
- Get-a-farm motive
The sixth--small farm settlement--was, to contemporaries, the least attractive--it was what you did when you couldn't do anything else. The sixth was also, in the long run, the most important...
The pre-industrial world was poor:
But America was relatively rich up until independence:
Smithian Growth:
The colonies that were to become the United States--at least the northern United States--as Adam Smith's Utopia:
- Literate and entrepreneurial population
- Good legal infrastructure
- Market exchange
- Abundant land (means high output per worker)
- Free land (means high wages)
- Later on we are going to contrast this picture with Engerman and Sokoloff's picture of Latin America: populations to exploit and ways to exploit them create extreme inequality... which has poisonous consequences....
And the colonial economy prospers...
1600 1,000
1640 24,000
1680 150,000
1700 260,000
1730 650,000
1780 2,700,000
How to even claim to measure output? Nevertheless, we have heroic guesses...
Year Y/Pop in 2008$
1710 $880
1775 $1,200
1840 $1,800
Of course:
1929 $9,100
2008 $48,000
Year Settlement/Event
1607 Jamestown
1608 Quebec
1620 Plymouth
1624 New Amsterdam
1630 Massachusetts Bay Company
1643 Swedesboro, Pennsylvania
1640-1660 English Revolution
1689 "Glorious Revolution" in England
1754-1763 French and Indian War; Mercantile System; Royal Proclamation of 1763
Why Is Independence Important for American Economic History?:
Pre-Industrial Growth Accounting: http://www.scribd.com/doc/5447130/null
We can see Malthusian pressure starting:
% urban: 5% 1790, 11% 1840, 20% 1860; "urban" means "2500 or more"...
But pressure relieved by the westward migration:
How did the westward migration happen?
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