Economics 113 Practice Midterm
A. One-Sentence Identifications: For each of the fifteen terms below, briefly state the importance of each of the following people/places/things/concepts for American economic history since 1890 or so. A good strategy is to tie each ID into one or more of the major factors of production: land, labor, capital, technology, and institutions:
Gold standard; New Deal; Marshall Plan; Plessy vs. Ferguson; General Motors; Theodore Roosevelt; J.P. Morgan; American Federation of Labor; Congress of Industrial Organizations; John Maynard Keynes; Great Depression; Panic of 1907; high-school movement; Herbert Hoover; Pullman strike.
B. One-Paragraph Discussions: Write one paragraph (three to six sentences) answering each of the following questions:
- What are the arguments for the belief that the high level of stock prices in August-September 1929 reflected justified if optimistic confidence in the future of the American economy? What are the arguments against?
- Why was America a largely laissez-faire economy before the Great Depression? And how did the coming of the Great Depression change Americans' beliefs about the role of government?
- What were the arguments for and against immigration in the generation before the Great Depression? How do they compare to the arguments for and against immigration today?
C. Essay: Write an essay on the following topic:
Outline the major changes in the economic position of African-Americans over the twentieth century. Draw up a balance sheet.
D. A Comparative Business Cycle Exercise:
Start with the simplest possible Keynesian model of the economy:
Y = C + I; production Y equals consumption C plus investment I C = cY; consumption C is a constant fraction c of income Y
- Solve for Y as a function of the marginal propensity to consume cy and investment I.
- If the marginal propensity to consume c were to fall from 0.75 to 0.5, what would you expect to happen to the size of fluctuations in Y if fluctuations in I remained of the same magnitude?
- Between the pre-WWII era and the recent past, the marginal propensity to consume had fallen from 0.75 to 0.5, and yet the size of fluctuations in Y had fallen by three-quarters. What would you conclude about the changing size of fluctuations in investment I?
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