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January 23, 2008


Jonathan Ong

my name is jonathan ong, and i have the weirdest t-shirts.

Emerson Green

My name is Emerson Green and I really like football and mathematics.

Emerson Green

My name is Emerson Green and I really like football and mathematics.

Konniam Chan

Hello everyone! This is Konniam Chan. I look forward to meeting you all in class.

Benjamin Turk

Hey I'm Ben and one of my favorite parts of any movie is the shenanigans part of Super Troopers (if you don't know what I'm talking about you need to watch the movie you're missing out)

Seng Tat Chua

Hi all, I'm Seng and I like music a lot!

Christopher Melgaard

My name is Chris Melgaard. I am very interested in quantitative finance and I cannot wait to see Rambo 4 on Friday.

Nick Broten

My name is Nick Broten and I was raised in a desert jungle.

Dena Fehrenbacher

Hi, I'm Dena Fehrenbacher. I'm an English and Economics double major.

Max Zheng

I used to play water polo.

Amit Mookerjee

My name is Amit Mookerjee and I like cricket, the sport.

Michael Leung

I'm a David Sedaris fan.

Cindy Wu

Hi, my name is Cindy. I'm a math and econ major. I'm super school spirited and I'm a member of the Cal Band. Go Bears!!! =)

Gerardo Zaragoza

I love movies.

Valerie Cheung

I am Valerie. I like eating ice cream with french fries.

Valerie Cheung

hello. I am Valerie and I like to eat ice cream with french fries.

Anela Chan

My name is Anela (pronounced uh-NELL-uh, get it right!). The only restaurant I like on southside is the Musical Offerings Cafe, where the average customer age is about 40. If you haven't tapped Musical Offerings yet, what are you waiting for???

Valerie Cheung

hello. I am Valerie and I like eating ice cream with french fries.

Nan Lu

My name is Nan. I am in the process of changing my hobbies from things old people like (Opera, etc) to those that people of my age like. You are very welcome to help me make it happen.

Tim Wang

Hi my name is Tim. I wear socks with sandals.

Sam Leiboff

My name is Sam and I get really nervous when I think of things to remember me by... My hair is always, always spiked.

Daniel Yeghiazarian

I am Daniel Yeghiazarian and Liverpool FC is my favorite sports team. I love to play soccer.

Michael Beckman

I'm Michael Beckman and I lived on the same floor as at least two other people in the class freshman year.

Kevin Hong

My name is Kevin Hong, and I'm rooting for the Patriots in the upcoming Superbowl.

Lisa Sweeney

My name is Lisa and I REALLY like curly fries.

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