A spreadsheet for playing with the medium-run flexible-price model set out at http://delong.typepad.com/delongslides/2008/02/the-flexible-pr.html is now up on the internet at: http://www.j-bradford-delong.net/2008_xls/20080227_flexmodel.xls
Parameters go in g44:g57; outcomes are in g60:g70 and in the graph to the left of parameters and outcomes...
Your assignment is to:
Test the spreadsheet. Download the .xls file, open it in Excel (or equivalent), change one parameter value, and report if what the model says happened makes sense--is the spreadsheet correct?
Analyze the results: explain why--that is, provide some intuition--the spreadsheet reported that your change in the mode parameters had the effects that it did.
Email your results to me at brad.delong@gmail.com.