Date May 9, 2010 4:04 PM PDT
From Brad DeLong
Subject Summer Assignments for Econ 1, Fall 2010
Body Before you show up here in the fall for Econ 1, please read:
The whole book of Partha Dasgupta, Economics: A Very Short Introduction (ISBN #: 0192853457 Publisher: Oxford)
The "Introduction" and chapters 1 through 5 of Book I (i.e., I:1-5) of Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (available for free on the web or free for Amazon Kindle or Apple iBooks; you can also buy a copy)
Pp. 1-31 of Paul Seabright, In the Company of Strangers: A Natural History of Economic Life (ISBN #: 978-0691146461 Publisher: Princeton)
Pp. ix-69 of Milton Friedman and Rose Director Friedman, Free to Choose (ISBN #: 978-0156334600 Publisher: Mariner)
Yes, there will be a quiz. :-)
Sincerely Yours,
J. Bradford DeLong
Professor of Economics
UPDATE: August 23: If you haven't done any of it yet, I would strongly recommend getting cracking on Dasgupta...