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Wednesday, January 21, 2009


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It's a dilemma.BdL seems to oprtaee, consciously or otherwise, on the assumption that some future scholar may want to read his work, whether three days from now or three centuries from now. Under the dead tree publishing paradigm, he can simply refer to his source and have a high degree of confidence that the source will be available should the scholar wish to track it down. But he has already observed that under the online paradigm there is no guarantee that the material he is referencing will still be accessible. This is part of what the people warning of a digital dark age are complaining about.Balanced against that is the fair use issue. Quoting an excerpt for noncommercial purposes is usually considered fair use. Quoting an entire article is generally not. BdL generally does provide the link to the primary source, which include links to other sources (these second-order links, at least under Typepad as Brad has it configured, generally do not carry over; Brad normally quotes that other source as well if he feels it is important enough to the argument). I can understand his reasons for doing so, but he is at minimum playing very close to the fair use line, quite aside from considerations about linking etiquette.

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