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November 24, 2009



Ok, so the debt stock isn't a problem, but what about the flow? It may make little sense to talk about China selling its dollar reserves, but will they continue to buy all the Treasury paper we need them to buy in the future?

robert waldmann

What is going on ?!? You linked to the article without any criticism. Do you agree with Hayes's claim that

"In the 1990s Bill Clinton was persuaded by Robert Rubin and others that the deficits he inherited required him to abandon any extension of the welfare state,"

What about the expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit ? How about health care reform. The effort wasn't abandoned by Clinton.

The assertion is grossly false. On the order of claiming the Earth is flat.

I have the sense that I am the only person who actually read the article (Krugman and Black also link to it with no criticisms).

Do you agree with Hayes *and* still think that Rubin should be President ?

I don't think that letting the claim that ""In the 1990s Bill Clinton was persuaded by Robert Rubin and others that the deficits he inherited required him to abandon any extension of the welfare state," is a good way to grasp reality with all eight tentacles.

I mean facts are facts. If you decide some false claims are not important, where do you draw the line ?

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