Swaggering, sneering incivility: This is kind of priceless:
The problem in my view is less Mr Obama and more the attitudes of the claque of official and unofficial supporters that surrounds him. The prevailing liberal mindset is what makes the criticisms of Mr Obama’s distance from working Americans stick.
If only the Democrats could contain their sense of entitlement to govern in a rational world, and their consequent distaste for wide swathes of the US electorate, they might gain the unshakeable grip on power they feel they deserve. Winning elections would certainly be easier – and Republicans would have to address themselves more seriously to economic insecurity. But the fathomless cultural complacency of the metropolitan liberal rules this out.
The attitude that expressed itself in response to the Palin nomination is the best weapon in the Republican armoury. Rely on the Democrats to keep it primed. You just have to laugh.
So, what. Democrats are just deracinated urban cosmopolitans, which is to say sneering Jews? Sorry, Clive, I have two guns in every closet[1] and I think health care reform is a wonderful thing and carbon output reduction is a critical issue.
[1] Not entirely kidding. Three closets have two each, including some antiques. I only bought one of them, and probably shouldn’t’ve.
"I only bought one of them, ..."
You mean the rest were there when you moved in?
[But you know, he's got a point. One thing the Os have done abysmally is to sell their program. The folks simply do not understand why they are doing health care, or why they let the banks get away with murder. The urban cosmopolitan Jew Franklin D. Rosenfelt would not made this kind of mistake.]
Posted by: Buce | January 06, 2010 at 12:31 PM