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August 23, 2007



Hi my name is Miles Palacios. I am transfering from DVC and junior college about 20 minutes from Berkeley. I throw for the track and field team here at CAL

Sue Liu

Hey everyone,
I'm Sue and I'm a 4th year double majoring in Chinese and PEIS. I love to travel but the only place I've been outside of the US is China, so hopefully in the near future I shall broaden that horizon. Looking foward to be part of the guinea pig team. =] Oh, random fact, I love llamas.

(wow, this is late)

Amitha Harichandran

My name is Amitha, I am currently a fourth year ISF major. I was born in southern California, but my parents are from Sri Lanka. My concentration for ISF is Globalization and the World Economy and I am sure that this class will play an integral role in my work.

Samira Ghassemi

Hi everyone,

My name is Samira Ghassemi and I am a senior here at Cal majoring in Environmental Economics and intend to double in PEIS. I hope this course will be interesting and full of positive engery...provided that we ensure that! Cheers.

Will Chen

My name is Will Chen and I'm a senior majoring in PEIS. I grew up in the Bay Area and I love it here. My interests lie in international trade and venture capital.

Shannon Oakes

Hi everybody. My name is Shannon. I'm a fourth year Interdisciplinary Studies field major and education minor. For my major, I'm focusing on Globaluzation and Consumer Behavior, concentrating in Business, Psychology, Political Science and Cognitive Science. This is my first PEIS course.

Tiffany Sin

Hi folks, my name is Tiffany and I am a fourth year doubling in Asian Studies (with a focus in China) and Integrative Biology. This is my first PEIS course and I am excited to learn more about econ. I am a pre-med student with an interest in current events around the world, especially East Asia. I just adopted the most hyper dog in the world, Callie, and I love eating and snowboarding.

Kinzie Kramer

Hello! My name is Kinzie Kramer and I'm a senior majoring in Society and Environment. I just successfully opened this page, which is exciting for me. As you can probably guess, I am absolutely horrible with computers and much prefer to handwrite everything. I studied abroad last spring in Paris and am thrilled to be back in Berkeley.


Too bad there's no "pre-modern" political economy also.

How do you really know what you are unless you know where you come from?

[pe 100 is classical social theory. They are supposed to have taken that before.]

edward cervini

Hello, I am not in this course, but am interested in the topics and would like to participate in the discussions. What is the textbook that is used?

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