A Question I Have Never Asked Nick Barberis
Barney Frank on Congressional Procedure

Susan Athey Wins the John Bates Clark Medal!

Congratulations. Much deserved:

John Bates Clark Medal: Susan Athey... has made important contributions to economic theory, empirical economics, and econometrics. She has built a research program strongly focused on using theory to understand substantive economic issues, especially in industrial organization. She has developed tools and techniques that provide the basis for empirical work strongly grounded in sound economic theory. She has made particularly important advances in developing and applying tools that replace strong functional form assumptions in models with more plausible conditions such as monotonicity, thereby facilitating the development of more robust empirical results.

Home Page: http://kuznets.fas.harvard.edu/~athey/

CV: http://kuznets.fas.harvard.edu/~athey/cv.html
