Wednesday Lunchtime at U.C. Davis with Tedra Osell, Eric Rauchway, and Scott Eric Kaufmann
Since I'm still not sure what I am going to say at lunch on Wednesday with Tedra, Eric, and Scott, let me just send around five URLs:
- Frederick II Hohenstaufen (1224), "Licterae Generales (Establishing the University of Naples)," in Paul Halsall, ed. (2006), Internet History Sourcebooks
- Niccolo Machiavelli (1513), "Letter to Francesco Vettori" December 10
- Eszter Hargittai (2004), "The Academic Contributions of Blogging" November 18
- Eszter Hargittai (2005), "Paths to Weblogs" March 15
- J. Bradford DeLong (2006), "The Invisible College," Chronicle of Higher Education Review 52:47 (July 28, 2006)
U.C. Davis History Department - Schedule of Events: Colloquium on Blogging and Scholarship: Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2007Time: 12:00 PMInformation: Colloquium on Blogging and Scholarship, May 23, 12:10, Andrews Room, with Tedra Osell, Scott Eric Kaufman, and Brad DeLong...
Weblogging and Scholarship: An item on my calendar for which I am not prepared looms out of the mists of time...
Acephalous: During the hour I'd be codifying my stray silliness into material suitable for you, dear readers (you no doubt remember my schedule) I'm... frantically preparing for next week's talk and how to deal with the inevitable, nay, threatened interruptions...