Are We in a Recession? What Will It Look Like If We Have One?
Slides for the "current macro situation" talk...
The Fed Has Started Cutting Interest Rates:
- From the 1960s through the 1990s, we had recessions when the Federal Reserve said "uh-oh; inflation"
- The recession of 2001 was the first in a long, long time not brought on by a steep upward push of the interest rates it controls by the Federal Reserve to curb spending and inflation
- The potential unpleasantness of 2008 may be the second such
The Construction Sector Is Collapsing:
- When the dot-com boom collapsed at the start of this decade, the Federal Reserve lowered the interest rates it controls far and fast
- The hope was to keep employment and production from falling much: if we can't put people to work in high-tech and spend money investing in the internet and allied industries, perhaps low interest rates can spark a construction boom * It worked--really well (perhaps too well)
- Construction joined as a leading sector of spending and employment by
- Defense
- Commerce--side effect of "selling" "political risk insurance" to rich foreigners and to foreign governments
- Construction joined as a leading sector of spending and employment by
- Now the construction boom has collapsed--without the Fed hitting the construction sector on the head with a brick
- Construction not coming back soon: 2 million extra houses...
- Financial uproar
- What could take up the slack this time?
- Exports? And import-competing manufacturing?
- Medicine?
What Is Happening Right Now?
- We do not know
- Standard payroll-employment series tends to go awry when economy changes its phase from employment expansion to employment contraction
- And the economy does change its phase
- Household employment survey a better guide at turning points
- But a lot of noise in household employment survey
- The problem of the anemic employment recovery of the 2000s
- The labor market has not changed its phase--yet--as far as we know
- The fact that we undergo a half-sized business cycle every year what with Christmas, etc., makes reading the tea leaves on these particular months especially... complex...
The Federal Reserve: Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place:
- The Federal Reserve
- Doesn't want to lose its price-stability credibility by cutting interest rates too far too fast and igniting inflation--both by misjudging domestic demand and because cutting interest rates means a cheaper dollar hence import price inflation
- Wants, in fact, to raise interest rates--to make feckless over-leveraged financial institutions pay rather than to bail them out
- But doesn't want to hold the entire economy and the jobs of millions of Americans hostage in order to make sure a few mortgage loan originators and packagers get their just deserts
- Good luck to Bernanke and company...