Economic Regulation
John McCain Is too Erratic to Be President

If I Were Running the Democratic Party, I Would:

  • No extraordinary grants of power to Treasury Secretaries who might be appointed by the erratic and unqualified John McCain:

    • Either:
      • (i) do the rescue through the Fed, or
      • (ii) follow the Marshall Plan and use an independent agency with its head chosen by the chair of the relevant senate committee, as Paul Hoffman was chosen by Arthur Vandenberg...
  • Proper and appropriate congressional and judicial oversight...

  • High end pay reform:

    • Cancellation of current golden parachutes...
    • Look-backs in the future--pay over $1M per year conditioned on the long-term profitability of the enterprise over more than a decade...
  • Equity stakes for the government:

    • Government buys securities at current market... * For every $4 the government pays for debt securities, it pays a fifth dollar for equity warrants...
  • Make it a round $1 trillion in authority...

  • A no-filibuster pledge from ten Republican senators with respect to the household mortgage relief bill that will be moving through the congress immediately after the financial rescue/nationalization bill...

  • If Republicans block whatever bill the Democrats propose this week, Wall Street can stagger on for a month and a half and we will come back into session the day after election day and do what is right then...
