New York Times Crashed-and-Burned Watch (Nixon Revisionism Edition)
Paul Krugman on the Senate "Centrists"

Now I Remember Why I Haven't Read Anything from National Review since Election Day...


Dead Hobo Reporting Glitch Claims Another White House Appointee - Mark Hemingway - The Corner on National Review Online: Iowahawk:

WASHINGTON - U.S. Energy Secretary Stephen Chu announced his resignation this morning amid new reports that Alameda County workers had unearthed more than a dozen additional dead hobo bodies at his former home in Berkeley, California. The Nobel Prize-winning physicist had been the subject of a week-long controversy after he amended his White House application form to declare "3 or 4" hobo corpses in his crawl space, but after this morning's discovery, Chu said he felt he could no longer serve as an effective spokesman for Administration energy policy.

I worry about Noam Scheiber, and his name appearing on The Corner. I think that's the way you can catch a disease...
