Notes and Handouts for Berkeley Physics Colloquium, May 11, 2009
- The fall in the adult employment-population ratio
- The increase in risk and the collapse in risk tolerance
- The fall in monetary velocity
- What determines monetary velocity?
- Policy to fix it 1: dump money into the economy
- Unjust enrichment
- Inflationary overhang
- Might not work when i<<1
- Policy to fix it 2: raise Treasury bond interest rates
- By making Treasury bonds less attractive to hold--flood the zone
- But then you have to spend the money you have earned by selling the Treasury bonds
- By making corporate bonds more attractive to hold
- Guarantees
- Asset repurchases
- Bank recapitalizations
- By making Treasury bonds less attractive to hold--flood the zone
- How did we get here?
- Herd behavior
- Short horizons
- Limits to arbitrage
- What do we do for the long term?