Twitterstorm delong: October 10, 2011 Tim Bresnehan on Steve Jobs Felix Salmon: "Chart of the Day: Median Income Edition" #recommended Jared Bernstein: "The Self-Imposed Limits of Reaction to a Crisis" #recommended
The American Spectator Has Declined from the Days When They Used to Attack Albert Einstein
RT @drgrist: In fact, it was GOP amendment blocking imaginary EPA dust regs that finally pushed Reid over the edge on his parliamentary ... Joachim Fels: "Downgrading Triple-B Recovery to Triple-C Crisis" #recommended Ryan Avent: "This time was different, and could have been more different still" #recommended
Felix Salmon: Median Income Trends
RT @xpostfactoid1: Touching faith, @davidfrum ! GOP leaders "are expressing opinions they have never acted on in office & won’t act on i ...
RT @stevebenen: Thomas Friedman seems to have no idea how much Obama already agrees with him It leads to odd columns
RT @michaelianblack: Wall Street up 330 points today! I am no longer sympathetic to the protestors.
RT @danielpunkass: Netflix to announce $1 Million prize for the team that develops an algorithm for efficiently running the company.
RT @attackerman: I wish DC Metro was a person so I could murder it in an unspeakable way.
RT @klhoughton: .@delong For the record, Oklahoma Joe's has lost competition at last two Kauffman Institute blogger fora. (It was close ...
RT @mattyglesias: Oklahoma Joe's BBQ in Kansas City is, indeed, the best:
RT @Panglossnotes: Wonder whether Marty Lederman will ever again write for Balkinization given this: Restraints on Executive Power http: ...
RT @SamsGoodMeats: I wish more political pundits would take on this critical issue RT @mattyglesias: Oklahoma Joe's BBQ in KC = the best ...
What Are Erick Erickson's Three Jobs?