If My RAs Acted as JPMC's Modellers Did… Can't Anybody Play This Game? Weblogging
Noted for January 18, 2013

Revising My Frequent-Reading List: Spring-Cleaning Weblogging

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In 2012, the twenty political-economy weblogs that I most often visited were:

How should I change this list in 2013?

I went to http://technorati.com and searched for the top weblogs on "economics". After pruning the list of things that I found clearly unsuitable, I found myself with 50 candidates for my frequent-reading list (yes, there is overlap):

That leaves me with three questions:

  • What other political-economy weblogs should I add to my candidates for frequent reading?

  • Which of those on my candidate list should I add to my frequent-reading list?

  • And what things on my frequent reading list should I drop?
