Dave Brockington: Texas Says: "Our Racial Discrimination Is Collateral Damage to Partisan Gerrymandering: Noted for August 16, 2013
Dave Brockington: Texas Admits to Partisan Gerrymandering as Legal Defense:
Texas is claiming that it discriminates against Democrats, not against any given race. Clifton… "part of Texas’ argument seems to be that even if their new voting laws do happen to disenfranchise minorities—it’s really not that big of a deal. Because the events of the 1960′s were much worse…. Claiming that even if their new voting laws did happen to disenfranchise minorities from voting that it isn’t that big of a big deal because 'the 60′s were much worse'…. Basically… 'our new laws might target minorities in a way--at least we’re not doing what they did in the 1960′s.'"… The brilliance (or desperation) evident in this admission as a means of distracting attention from the larger sin is worthy of note… cunningly clever or desperately clutching? Obviously the argument “we might be wrong, but we were way, way wronger in the 1950s and 1960s” shouldn’t fly. However, where race is a protected class, partisanship is not. Can Texas get away with the ‘race as unfortunate collateral damage in our war against the Democratic Party’ argument?