Paul Krugman: Singapore Is The New Chile: Noted for August 24, 2013
Paul Krugman: Communicating: Noted for August 24, 2013

Daniel Davies: Humanities! Science is not your enemy, it’s a friend who owes you money: Noted for August 24, 2013

Daniel Davies: Humanities! Science is not your enemy, it’s a friend who owes you money:

While in an unusually masochistic mood, I read all of Steven Pinker’s astonishingly wordy essay on science science science science did I tell you how much I love science? Just as there are few clearer signs that one cannot program a computer than to publicly call yourself a “hacktivist” and few clearer signs that you didn’t do statistics at university than to boast that you’re a “data geek”, Pinker, who made a perfectly decent academic career as a computational linguist, and then an absolutely stellar one by making up a load of rubbish about social sciences, really sounds like he’s overcompensating for something. Everyone’s happy about the moon landings and curing smallpox and all that, but it really is a bit unseemly to imply that if you object to Pinker and his mates constantly gobbing off about things they don’t want to bother learning about, you’re in favour of unanaesthetised dentistry.
