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Annie-Rose Strasser and Tara Culp Presser: 20 Questions You Have About Obamacare But Are Too Afraid To Ask: Noted

Annie-Rose Strasser and Tara Culp Presser: 20 Questions You Have About Obamacare But Are Too Afraid To Ask:

If I want to sign up for a new government-organized health plan, how can I? The enrollment period for the new insurance exchanges begins on October 1 and goes until March 31. During that time period, Americans will be able to sign up for new Obamacare plans by either logging onto, mailing in a paper copy of an application (to find out where to mail it, click here), or meeting with a “navigator” in person at one of the many enrollment fairs that are kicking off around the country.

The navigators, who are specifically tasked with assisting Americans with signing up for health care plans, are available to answer questions for the people who are confused about what they should do. You can reach them by calling the hotline at 800-318-2596, and they’ll help you fill out an application if you’re having trouble with it…. After the initial enrollment period ends, another one will open up in October 2014. But if you want health coverage by January 1, you need to sign up before then.
