Noted for Your Afternoon Procrastination for October 29, 2013
Is There Any Appropriate Reaction to This on the Part of Eugene Fama?

David Weigel: The Odd, Painful, and Bizarre Final Days of Ken Cuccinelli: Noted

David Weigel: The Odd, Painful, and Bizarre Final Days of Ken Cuccinelli:

Cuccinelli’s Fairfax rally was meant for the other voters, the ones being outnumbered. Shortly before 3 p.m., they streamed in, signed up for get-out-the-vote operations, and picked up Cuccinelli or “I Am the NRA” signs being passed out by volunteers. When Cuccinelli arrived, it was side by side with [Rand] Paul, the two of them hoisting 64-ounce Double Big Gulps. “I heard Mike Bloomberg wanted to buy the governor’s office down here,” [Rand] Paul explained, “and I figured after he took my Big Gulp, he’d come after my guns.” Earlier in the day, in Lynchburg, Va., Paul had warned conservatives that genetic testing could lead to a dystopian eugenic future...
