Monday DeLong Smackdown: Federal Reserve "Forward Guidance" Weblogging
Econ 2: Spring 2014: UC Berkeley: Sample Final Exam I: G. Economic Growth

Econ 2: Spring 2014: UC Berkeley: Sample Final Exam I: H: Next Time

  • This is the first time we have taught Econ 2 since 2007, so we are especially anxious for feedback.
  • Write a four-paragraph essay:
    • Pick one element of the course that you thought worked best, and explain why you thought it worked best.
    • Pick one element of the course that you thought worked badly but needs to be improved, and explain how you think it could be improved.
    • Pick one element of the course that you thought worked badly and should be dropped. and explain why it should be dropped.
    • And pick one topic not covered in the course that you think should be added, and explain why it should be added.
