500-750 words; use your own words; provide pointers to where you got any information that is not your direct personal experience or "common knowledge"; due Friday October 2 at 5 PM.
In the terrible years of the Yezhovchina I spent seventeen months standing in line in front of the Leningrad prisons. One day someone thought he recognized me. Then, a woman with bluish lips who was behind me and to whom my name meant nothing, came out of the torpor to which we were all accustomed and said, softly (for we spoke only in whispers), "--This, can you describe this?" And I said, "Yes, I can." And a sort of smile slid across what had been her face.
No, it was not under a strange sky,
Not strange wings that gave me shelter--
I was in the midst of my people,
There, where, in their misfortune, my people were.
Think of your ancestors again--this time between 1914 and 1945. On August 4, 1914, because Austria and Russia were threatening each other in a dispute over Austria's plans to punish the Serbian government for supporting the terrorists who had assassinated Austria's crown prince in Sarajevo the month before, Imperial Germany attacked Belgium. On August 14, 1945, Imperial Japan surrendered unconditionally--after the atomic terror-bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had convinced the Japanese government that the United States had the power to win the war by killing every human in the Japanese archipelago, and would prefer to do so rather than lose soldiers in an amphibious invasion. On July 27, 1953, a truce ended the Korean War and the world froze into its Cold Peace configuration that was to last until 1989. In between 1914 and 1953 you have communism, nazism, fascism, two world wars, a great depression, and innumerable smaller acts of chaos and destruction.
Write 500-750 words about how this age of chaos and terror and poverty affected the lives of your ancestors--or how the lives of your ancestors were, by luck, not much affected.
Submissions of less than 500 words will receive grouchy readings. Submissions of more than 750 words will receive grouchy readings. There is a symmetry here.