J. Bradford DeLong
Department of Economics
University of California Berkeley
[email protected] 925-708-0467
Course Website: http://delong.typepad.com/teaching_economics/macrof18.html
Bring your iClickers and your smartphones to every class
You are responsible for this document
You must initially attend the section to which you are assigned by CalCentral or you will be automatically dropped from the course
Lectures: TuTh 8 am 277 Cory Brad DeLong
Sections: TuTh 5 pm 2011 VLSB, TuTh 6 pm Dwinelle 87 Marc Dordal i Carreras. WeMo 3 pm 105 Latimer, WeMo 179 Stanley Todd Messer.
Econ 101b is a go-faster do-more course. But we will try to curve the class to what your grades would have been in Econ 100b...
- John Maynard Keynes (1930): Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren http://tinyurl.com/y9k4othx
- DeLong and Olney: Macroeconomics http://amzn.to/2rdAL4m:
- Robert Skidelsky (2010): Keynes: A Very Short Introduction http://amzn.to/2FGtsoE
- And we may well add more…
Office Hours: TBA, and by appointment... email [email protected]
- 40 pts.: Final/take-home and in-class
- 45 pts.: 15 problem sets/assignments—Python/datahub
- 15 pts.: 15 (weekly) in-class check understanding quizzes—iClickers/smartphones
- 10 pts.: iClickers (30 chances for 1/2 pt each)
- 10 pts.: Section participation
Exams and Quizzes are open-book and open-smartphone: everything except phone-a-friend (or text-a-friend)
Academic Responsibility: Work on problem sets in groups. But type every character in what you submit with your own fingers—copy-and-paste simply does not program your brain the way it need to be programmed. Don't cheat on the take-home or in-class exam. Act with honesty, integrity, and respect for others.
Course Announcements will come to you via bCourses and email.
Email: We do not especially like bCourses—it's database is buggy, it crashes Safari far too often. But we will use bCourses to contact you, and for discussions. Be sure your email address registered with the University’s CalNet directory is correct, your spam filters are not set too tight, and that your inbox is not full. Emails sent to us need to have “Econ_101b:” as the start of their subject line.
Machines in Class: At the moment, everything is allowed. The policy may "evolve"...
Course Capture: It just does not work. The people who do not come to lecture and watch it afterwards... don't, and when they do they are not the people for whom that works. With a less English-literate group than you are, there is a strong argument for course capture. But here at Berkeley with a course like this it does more harm than good...
Tutoring: Economics Department grad students offer free tutoring. https://www.econ.berkeley.edu/undergrad/home/tutoring. Twitter @CalEconTutoring. A list of tutors-for-hire (about $50/hour) is also available at the Econ Dept Tutoring Center website. Also the Student Learning Center (SLC) offers services free for registered Cal students. Additional information is available at http://slc.berkeley.edu/econ.
Special Accommodations: Disability-related accommodations need to be in place before Labor Day via http://dsp.berkeley.edu.
Responsible Employees: All of us on the teaching staff are responsible employees: we are required to report incidents of sexual violence, sexual harassment or other conduct prohibited by university policy to the Title IX officer, who considers requests for confidentiality. There are confidential resources available to you, including the CARE Advocate Office http://sa.berkeley.edu/dean/confidential-care-advocate
This File: http://delong.typepad.com/teaching_economics/course-practices-fall-2018.html
Edit This File: http://www.typepad.com/site/blogs/6a00e551f08003883401b8d2c935d5970c/page/6a00e551f080038834022ad3aab988200b/edit?saved_added=n
Macro (Fall 2018): http://delong.typepad.com/teaching_economics/macrof18.html
Macro (Master): http://delong.typepad.com/teaching_economics/macroeconomics.html
Teaching Economics: http://delong.typepad.com/teaching_economics/