Lecture: Academic Freedom and Academic Responsibility https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0gLVFC-BSNHY0HoeIJ_K9jDGw http://delong.typepad.com/teaching_economics/freedom-and-responsibility.html
Charles Murray and Niall Ferguson:
A Few Notes on Higher Education in the Age of Trump...: Murray is (a) racist enough to imitate the KKK in lighting crosses on fire, (b) mendacious enough to have called forth Jim Heckman's angry review of The Bell Curve as simply not competent social science http://reason.com/archives/1995/03/01/cracked-bell, and (c) corrupt enough to lie about the circumstances under which AEI fired David Frum for saying true things AEI's donors and political masters did not want to hear http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/196981/david-frums-departure-aei-charles-murray...
Yes, Stanford Has a Serious Intellectual Quality Problem Here: Why Do You Ask?
- Patrick Iber: "Before we spend all day calling for Niall Ferguson's tenure to be revoked: I don't think he has tenure..."
- Paul Krugman: _"An ugly story from Stanford. But I think Brad gets only a small piece of the issue when he talks about Stanford's intellectual quality control problem..."
- David Watkins, I think, nails it_: a lot of right-wingers project either what they are doing or what they wish they could do onto the left. They do not understand that we are, in fact, different from them: David Watkins: "Today in: 'every accusation a confession'... Scott Lemieux: 'Did Niall 'try to ratfuck students with the temerity to disagree with me' Ferguson churn out a rote "campus PC is the biggest threat to free speech in America" column? I think you know the answer! https://t.co/mP1OFXkm1G...'"
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