- Marc Dordal i Carreras (2015): “U.S. Banking Panics and the Credit Channel: Evidence from 1870-1904” http://delong.typepad.com/econ_history_marc_dordal.pdf
- Daniel Gross (2016): “Scale versus Scope in the Diffusion of New Technology: Evidence from the Farm Tractor”, Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 16-108 https://delong.typepad.com/gross-scale.pdf
- Sreeraahul Kancherla (2018): “The Effect of Monetary Transportation Costs on Immigration: Evidence from Transatlantic Migration” https://delong.typepad.com/files/kancherla-210a-paper.pdf
- Petra Moser (2005): “How Do Patent Laws Influence Innovation?: Evidence from Nineteenth-Century World Fairs”, The American Economic Review, Volume 95, Number 4, September 2005, pp. 1214-1236 https://delong.typepad.com/w9909.pdf
- Evan Rose (2015): "Rosie and Her Daughters: Revisiting Female Labor Force Participation after World War II" https://github.com/braddelong/public-files/blob/master/readings/evan-rose-210a-paper.pdf
- Jacob P. Weber (2018): “Patterns in British Height: 1770-1845” https://delong.typepad.com/jacob-p.-weber-heightpaperfinal-x.pdf
Note: Gross and Moser have been heavily, heavily revised since submission: you are not expected to write something that gets into the AER as-is.