Malthusian Economies
Jared Diamond (1987): The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race
Richard Steckel (2008): Biological Measures of the Standard of Living
Gregory Clark (2005): The Condition of the Working Class in England, 1209–2004
Gregory Clark (2007): Living Standards and the Logic of the Malthusian Era, draft of A Farewell to Alms
Additional and optional:
- Alberto Alesina, Paola Giuliano, and Nathan Nunn (2013), “On the Origins of Gender Roles: Women and the Plough.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 128 (May), pp. 469–530.
- Slides:
- A Brief Cheat-Sheet Note on the Solow-Malthus Model
- Malthusian Perperctives
In The Ancient Economy: Moses Finley (1965): Technical Innovation and Economic Progress in the Ancient World
- Malthusian Economic Growth
- The Nature of a Malthusian Economy
- Dark Satanic Millian Liberalism from John Stuart Mill
- (12 min) Steckel:
- Why is this paper being written?
- What are the main arguments?
- What are the major pieces of evidence?
- Why won't those who think differently be convinced?
- Who is right?
- (12 min) Finley:
- Why is this paper being written?
- What are the main arguments?
- What are the major pieces of evidence?
- Why won't those who think differently be convinced?
- Who is right?
- (12 min) Diamond:
- Why is this paper being written?
- What are the main arguments?
- What are the major pieces of evidence?
- Why won't those who think differently be convinced?
- Who is right?
- (12 min) Alesina et al.:
- Why is this paper being written?
- What are the main arguments?
- What are the major pieces of evidence?
- Why won't those who think differently be convinced?
- Who is right?
- (12 min) Clark:
- Why is this paper being written?
- What are the main arguments?
- What are the major pieces of evidence?
- Why won't those who think differently be convinced?
- Who is right?
- (12 min) Clark:
- Why is this paper being written?
- What are the main arguments?
- What are the major pieces of evidence?
- Why won't those who think differently be convinced?
- Who is right?
- Looking Forward (5 min): Next time
- Looking Forward (5 min): Next reaction question